Thursday, June 18, 2020

Simple and Delicious Quick Zucchini/Yellow Squash Sauté

Simple and Delicious Zucchini/Yellow Squash is a quick side dish to accompany any meal. Although fine with any meal, it is particularly wonderful served as part of Indian, Chinese, Korean type meals with warm rice, quinoa, or other grains. The sesame adds a lovely nutty crunch. Since this is a veggie dish, it is naturally gluten/dairy free and oil-free as well.

Enjoy with warm cooked rice/grains, roti or other flatbreads and dal/bean dishes such as Simple Dal, Lemony Dal, Sambar, Chole, one of the fresh veggie dishes like Raita, Salad, etc.

Delicious with warm cooked rice or other grains and with other side dishes or simply put the zucchini on top of the rice along with some sautéed tofu. 


A combination of zucchini and yellow squash maybe used or only one type of veggie. 

If you like the Zucchini/Yellow Squash on the dry side without a lot of liquid, sprinkle the cut veggies with a pinch of salt and set aside until the rest of the veggies are prepared. Just before cooking, press and drain any accumulated liquid and proceed with the recipe.

Other sweet veggies like Summer or Chayote Squash also maybe prepared this way.

4 Servings


2 cloves Garlic, chopped (optional)
1/2 small Onion, thinly sliced
4-5 medium Zucchini/Yellow Squash
1 generous pinch Turmeric
Salt/Tamari, to taste
1/8 -1 tsp Ground Red Pepper (cayenne)
2-3 Green Onions, sliced
A small handful fresh Coriander/Cilantro, chopped
2 Tbsp Roasted Sesame Seeds for garnish


Cut zucchinis/yellow squash in half or quarters lengthwise and cut into coin thick slices crosswise. If using other squashes, cut them into bite sized pieces. See note for salting the veggies for a drier result.

Place all ingredients in a wok or large skillet except sesame seeds, green onions and Cilantro.

Turn the heat up to medium high heat and stir fry for about 4-5 minutes, or until veggies are hot and done to your liking. They taste best if they still retain a bit of firmness and a little crunch. 

If the veggies were not salted and drained, there maybe some juices collected in the bottom of the wok/skillet and that is perfectly fine. If you try to evaporate the liquid, the veggies will get overcooked and turn mushy. Mushy = Not Tasty!

Turn out onto a serving plate, garnish with green onions, sesame seeds and cilantro. Serve immediately.


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