Sunday, September 6, 2009

Lemongrass Tea With Green Tea & Mint

Lemongrass as well as green tea and mint are known for their many health benefits. So why not combine all three for a wonderful and healthful beverage? It turns out great and is absolutely delicious!

Hot Lemongrass, Mint, & Green Tea

A refreshing beverage that can be served hot or cold, I often make a large quantity so that there is plenty left to chill for a cooling beverage later. You may sweeten the tea if you wish, but I find that it is just perfect as is whether served hot or cold. You can use whole stalks or use a few of the outer leaves to make tea. If you like the health benefits of lemongrass but not its flavor so much, add strong herbs like mint; mint works wonderfully well with the lemongrass. Would you like your tea hot or cold?

Iced Lemongrass Tea With Mint & Green Tea


6 to 8 leaves of fresh Lemongrass
4 tsp Green tea leaves
6 - 8 sprigs fresh Mint
Sweetener of choice (Optional)
Lemon or Lime slices for garnish


Bring 2 quarts (8 cups) of water to a boil.

Meanwhile, wash lemongrass leaves and chop using a sharp knife or snip with kitchen scissors into small pieces. Chop the mint coarsely. Place the tea in a tea ball or tie loosely in a square of muslin if you wish.

When the water starts to boil, add add the herbs, cover and let sit for 5 minutes.

Add tea, stir, and cover and set aside to brew for another five minutes.

Strain and serve hot or cool, chill, and serve over ice cubes with lemon/lime slices if you wish.

Serve the tea with or without sweeteners - as you wish. Enjoy in Good health! Cheers!


Anonymous said...

I can't wait to try this, along with a number of other delicious and healthy looking recipes!

Thank you from a Thursday docent!

Geetha said...

Dear Thursday Docent,
Thank you for your visit and comment. Do try the recipes and let me know how they work for you. I would love to hear your comments.

Linda said...

I love the Tazo Lemon Grass Tea with Spearmint, but it is expensive and wanted to learn how to make it myself...This is a excellent and simple receipe....

Geetha said...

Thank you Linda for stopping to add your comment. I am glad you like this recipe.
Happy cooking!